Monday, April 27, 2009 I have a lot to post and I don't want to confuse myself by posting it all in the same entry so here we go!

The other day I was getting Stella ready for bed and she made the funniest face when she saw her pajamas. One of her favorite characters was on the shirt. Jordan and I laughed so hard that I spent the next 30 minutes trying to get her to make the face again on camera. So, for your viewing pleasure I am pleased to present to you...the funniest face Stella has made....thus far! Please be patient as it takes about 20 seconds before she makes the face but I had to jump through hoops to get her to do it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stella's first Easter part 2

We started off our Easter Morning at church as a family. Of course the place was packed so Jordan, Stella, and I sat in the "Cry Room" which was fine with Stella because she liked looking at all of the babies in their pretty Easter clothes. After that, we headed over to my parent's house for Easter dinner/lunch?

Here is her Easter basket from her Nana and Papa. She got a total of 3 Easter baskets this year!

Here is my Grandpa showing her something...but I am not sure what but she seems very intent on what he is saying. Hmm....

My Grandma wanted to make sure we got lots of pictures of her first Easter dress. Doesn't she look pretty in yellow?
Here are the boys...watching golf. Enough said?
Here is Stella dancing a jig!

She loves parties!!!

Here is her Easter present from my Grandparents.

It's always fun to see Uncle Matt! I think she might be tired in this picture.

She fought sleep and she lost! CRASH! Here are my cousins Jonathon, Amy, and Jarrett. What a good looking bunch!

We hope each and every one of you had a blessed Easter full of friends, family, fun and God's Love!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stella's First Easter Part 1

So, this morning when Stella Jo woke up I told her about Easter. I told her about Jesus and why we celebrate. Then, I told her about the Easter bunny and this is the face she made...."wha?"
We decided to go to OU campus to see the Easter Bunny. Stella was less than thrilled. She said that she likes Santa better than this guy. I wonder where the Easter Bunny buys his clothes. He looks kind of casual here. Shortly after this picture, we heard him rapping...."Ice, ice, baby, too cold, too cold." Stella was dancing!
We went to McFarlin for the Easter egg hunt but Stella fell asleep just in time. Oh well, she is only 10 months old. But we did get to see her friend E! Isn't she precious?
Here is E with her Mommy, my very good friend. So, we didn't hunt any eggs but we got to see some friends. It was so cute, the lady was "hiding" eggs and E was right behind her picking them up...too cute! Seriously!!!
After, our visit with our friends we went to see Jordan's family for a picnic. Here's Stella, waiting patiently for her easter basket.

I love this face she's making in this picture. She makes some pretty funny faces all day long but it's rare that I catch it with my camera. I wonder what she's thinking here....

The picnic was at Jordan's grandma's house. Here is Stella with her Mama Lemley. They are old friends.

MeMe gave her an Easter basket and Stella got her first Barbie! Who would think that a 10 month old little baby girl would be interested in Barbie! She was!!!!

Hmmm.....what else is in here Meme?

Stella's first Easter!!!!

Jordan's cousin had their second child in early February. Here is Stella holding little Luke's hand. She loves babies!!!

I love these pictures. What a great looking family. I like how the people holding babies are too distracted to pay attention to the photographer!

Stella and Dylan!

Happy Easter everybody!!! We love you all so much! And for those of you that we won't get to see this weekend....we're sending you hugs and kisses!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Prayer Requests

Please lift these people up in prayer...

My Uncle Bobby lost his mother last week and the funeral was yesterday. Please pray for him and his family. We love you all so much.

Jordan's father had a biopsy on Friday. He has a growth in his throat. He has surgery scheduled for April 10th. Sending our love to Pittsburgh to PaPa Robert!

My Aunt Sue is experiencing some health problems. She had some tests and will know more on Monday. We love you Auntie Sue.

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We took Stella to the park because the weather was so lovely! She had fun in the swing. Watch her kick her legs and giggle. She's cute in pictures but wait until you see her on video!!!

Her MeMe gave her this little bear. Every time she sees him she has to have a conversation with him. It sounds important, doesn't it?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jordan and I celebrated our first Anniversary. So much has changed in one year!!! I am so happy with my family. I already had a wonderful family but now I have the Humphrey family and my baby Stella! Times like this make me think about our lives. We are so lucky and have been blessed by God. I am so thankful to Jordan. He works his tail off so that I can raise our little girl.

We did several things for our anniversary. We went out to eat at Irma's Burger Shack. They make the best burgers. I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and green beans for Stella. Next, we went to the Oklahoma City Art Museum. Stella was fascinated. She stared at the artwork and babbled on and on about it. She was the loudest one there!

She likes to throw herself back in her highchair. She is such a drama queen! beans!

I bought an Anniversary present for Stella too! I think Daddy likes it more than she does. Her favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba. It's a show about a DJ, a robot, and some monsters. I bought the DJ Lance hat and I think that Daddy has a strong resemblance to DJ Lance Rock. Of course, Daddy is much better looking.

Don't you agree?

Look...Stella is finally growing hair!!!

On Sunday we saw my Grandparents. Stella loves her Gigi and her GG-Pa. They kind of like her too. Can you tell?

Jordan and I are going to buy a new sofa. After looking at every sofa in Oklahoma, we can't decide between these two. Jordan's favorite and mine...we simply cannot agree. Which one do you like the best? I am not going to tell you which one is my favorite. But I will give you a favorite is a sectional.

Stella spent the day with her MeMe on Saturday. She had a lot of fun and she is sitting on a huge bunny statue in this picture. Of course I didn't take a picture of the bunny...Stella is way cuter!

Stella loves to point now. She points at people and then she waves at them. After that, she'll clap. She is too funny.

But after a long day...she was too pooped to party! She likes to cuddle with Geoffrey.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


It's Thursday and we've been busy!!! My former boss, my good friend, and one of my favorite people was in town yesterday. Christy was my regional manager and she has been transferred to Florida! Congrats Christy! We wish you all the best and we're going to come and visit you when we go to Disney World!

This is Christy with Stella.

Stella loves pancakes!!!

Daddy likes to put diapers on Stella's head. Don't worry...they're clean.

More pancakes at IHOP with Nana!!!

Stella started swimming lessons! She has them on Mon/Wed night. She seems to not be afraid of being dunked under water. This picture was taken right after she came back up.